Saturday, January 26, 2008

Zing Spoons!

Zing! The new food fight spoon that is actually spring loaded to get you that extra power that can blacken the eyes of your tabletop enemies. Check them out in more detail HERE.

Steampunked Nerf Guns

These common Nerf guns have been modified to have a "steampunk" looks which really increases the nerdy awesomeness of an already awesome toy. The guns were created by Chris Furniss from He really did a great job on these.


Cuban Taser Glove

This interesting glove was designed in 1935 by Cuban Cirilo Diaz. It packs a mighty punch at 1,500 volts from a 1/2 pound battery attached to the waist. It was designed to help with fights and crowds that could disturb the public peace. The device was orignally demonstrated in New York for law enforcement officials who were apparently pretty impressed. This crazy thing could be concealed easily and used without bystanders even realizing. Read the full article HERE.